Various Questions


  • Is it a policy for teachers to pass back tests as a group so that we can compare our grades to see if there are any errors or mistakes?
  • Is it true that if you drink alcoholic beverages the weekend before practice that you will be allowed to participate? Also will it show up on the so called random drug tests?
  • Is it true that the "random" drug testing is the first Thursday of every month?
  • What is the school policy on male athletes wearing tops at practice. Is it mandatory? 
  • What is the policy of extra, free, and background checked help for extracurricular activities such as volunteer football coaches, etc.?  {October 6, 2015}

These questions are good questions that deserve answers, however, these questions are not ideally suited for the type of Question & Answer format found in our Fact or Fiction page.  The Fact or Fiction submission of questions is checked approximately one time a week.  The Fact or Fiction portion of the LaBrae Schools' website is not intended to replace more direct lines of communication such as a phone call, office visit or an email.  The aforementioned questions are best suited to be asked by directly contacting the appropriate person as applicable, such as the teacher, athletic director, principal or superintendent.  In doing so, the appropriate LaBrae employee can be attentive to your question more promptly, and it ensures that you are dealing with the individual who can accurately answer your question.