Wednesday, April 26, 2023 HS Announcements

Student Council meeting will be Tomorrow, April 27th during lunch.


EOC Exams for ALG/GEO will be May 2nd & 3rd.  

If you are not testing you are on a 2hr. delay schedule which means you do not have to arrive at school until 9:35 and you will come in through the event entrance and remain in the cafeteria until release to 1st period.  Any student arriving to school at 7:40 and not testing will be supervised in the cafeteria for a student hall.


Attention Seniors....

Your Senior Awards Banquet Invitation was mailed to your home.  RSVP'S and payment are due Today, April 26th!

Stop into the School Counselor's Office to fill out the "Oh The Places You'll Go" card.


Prom is on May 5th...

Here are some rules:  You must have good grades, less than 90 hours missed, your fees must be less than $50 & no out of school or in school suspensions.

Tickets are being sold through May 2nd and you can pick them up during lunch or until 3:15 pm in Mr. Michl's Room 926.  Tickets are $30 for Juniors & Seniors and Sophomores & outsider tickets are $50.  You cannot buy tickets at the door or online.  

Early release forms and picture forms are also in Mr. Mich;'s room and can be picked up when you but your tickets.


I PROMise...

I recognize there are consequences for every decision I make.  I PROMise not the drink alcohol or use drugs, because I know they are both harmful and illegal for me to use.  I PROMise to call my parent/guardian for a ride if I feel unsafe.  I commit to living a safe and healthy way.  I PROMise to always wear a seatbelt, not to text while driving and to never ride with an impaired driver.

Students signing Prom PROMise will be entered into a Gift Card drawing!


Student Council Blood Drive will be on Monday, May 15th.


Yearbooks Sale ends Today, April 26th go to the LaBrae website to order.  The cost is starting at $55!


Afternoon Detention is in Mrs. Wolke's room 805A.  Please bring academic work to detention.