Our Mission:
The Title I Program in LaBrae is committed to providing high quality, engaging instruction that meets the individual needs of our students, enables them to achieve academic success, and motivates them to become lifelong learners.
The purpose of Title I is to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education. Title I provides funds to school district for use in high poverty schools to improve the achievement of the lowest-achieving students – those who are failing, or most at risk of failing, to meet a State’s academic achievement standards.
Title I is funded under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. It has been in existence since 1995. There are more than 51,000 schools across this country who receive Title I funds.
Beginning in the 2012-2013 school year, LaBrae Elementary & Middle Schools became Title I Schoolwide Programs. Prior to then, LaBrae ran Targeted Assistance Programs, which means that only some children were being serviced.
Schoolwide programs serve all children in a school. All, staff, resources and classes are part of the overall Schoolwide program. The overall goal of having a Schoolwide program is to raise the academic achievement of all students at the school, first and foremost by improving academic instruction in all classrooms to meet a variety of student needs. Schoolwide programs also are expected to make sure that students who are struggling, even with this improved classroom instruction and programming, are identified early and receive effective, timely, additional interventions based on scientifically based research strategies.
A Schoolwide program must implement the 10 components required by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. A school building is eligible to implement a Schoolwide program if at least 40 percent of the enrolled students are low income (eligible for free and reduced price meals on the National School Lunch Program) and the building’s staff develop a plan to restructure the total instructional program.
- A comprehensive needs assessment of all aspects of the school, including student achievement as well as program effectiveness, parent/student/teacher perceptions, and environmental and behavioral data. This data also is disaggregated based on various student populations, particularly in terms of students who are not reaching proficiency on state-required exams.
- Implementation of schoolwide reform strategies that strengthen the core academic program and addresses the needs of all children particularly those at risk of not meeting the state’s academic standards.
- Assurance that students receive instruction from “highly qualified” teachers.
- Established plans to attract the best teachers with efforts made to decrease turnover rates of staff.
- High-quality, on-going professional development to teachers to ensure that teachers receive effective training and ongoing support in implementing research-based instructional strategies in the classroom.
- A focus on improving parental involvement to involve parents in the implementation of the Schoolwide plan, including training parents in how they can increase readiness for school, providing support for parents based on individual needs, and strategies for truly involving them in the implementation of academic programming.
- Implementation of preschool programming or support to better ensure that students who enter into kindergarten have the required pre-reading skills needed to succeed.
- Concentrated efforts to identify a variety of assessment data, and involve teachers in the identification and use of assessments to measure student progress and design instruction based on student need.
- Identification of at-risk students to make sure students, who continue to struggle, receives additional instruction or support.
- Coordination of federal, state, and local services and programs to ensure that all facets of the school are working toward the achievement of identified Schoolwide goals.
Bascom Elementary & LaBrae Intermediate School seek the active participation of all students’ parents in improving their children’s academic achievement. We invite parents in the joint development of the Title I plan and to be part of the process to review and improve the plan.
Parents are encouraged to communicate regularly with the teachers to discuss the progress of their child. Parents are welcome to volunteer in the classroom to assist children as they sharpen their reading and math skills. We encourage your help and assistance in a variety of ways:
- Participation in Meet the Teacher Nights/Orientations to learn about the curriculum, forms of academic assessments and programs used to measure and monitor student progress, and proficiency levels that students are expected to meet
- Participate in parent/teacher conference days scheduled throughout the school year
- Participate in family nights and activities to learn techniques, strategies and skills to use at home
- Two-way communication through newsletters, emails, phone calls, posts on REMIND & Social Media
- Volunteer in the classrooms and at school events
- Participate in the Annual Title I Survey to give feedback and suggestions
- Participate in the Annual Title I Parent Meetings to plan, review, and improve Title I
- Attend LaBrae PTO meetings and events
Experts agree that reading is the basis for school success. Parents play a key role in that success, especially in building necessary reading skills. Parents provide the strong foundation through encouragement, practice and appropriate setting which are all vital in student success. We thank you in advance for all of your help and assistance in working together with your child to help him/her succeed in school.
A Attendance: Make sure your child attends and is on time every day unless they are truly ill.
C Communication: Communication is the key to being involved and informed.
H Health: Good physical & mental health, adequate sleep, and nutritious food, contribute to academic success.
I Interest: Take interest in your child, ask questions, set goals, and let him/her know his/her progress is important to you.
E Expectations: Expect the best from your child, insist he/she follows rules, completes work, and always tries their best.
V Volunteer: Show your interest and support by volunteering and being willing to attend events and help when needed.
E Encourage: Encourage, recognize and celebrate your child’s efforts, express confidence in them daily, display their work.
Every teacher in the LaBrae Local Schools is a certificated/licensed teacher. Parents of students attending Title I Schools have the right to know about the teaching qualifications of their student’s teachers and can request that information by clicking on the link on the district website and submitting the form. Teachers participate in professional development activities throughout the school year designed according to specific standards:
- Tied to state content and student performance standards
- Reflects current research on teaching and learning
- Designed to have a positive impact on the teacher’s performance in the classroom
Research continues to confirm that parents are a vital part of the educational process and of the educational experience of their children. When school personnel work with families to develop meaningful relationships that support learning, children will succeed not just in school but also throughout life.
LaBrae Local Title I Coordinator/Bascom Principal
Mrs. Margaret Kowach
margaret [dot] kowachlabrae [dot] school
Bascom Elementary Title I Reading Specialist
Ms. Tina Toumazos
330-898-3041 Ext. 5030
tina [dot] toumazoslabrae [dot] school
LaBrae Intermediate Principal
Mr. Martin Kelly
martin [dot] kellylabrae [dot] school
LaBrae Intermediate Title I Reading Specialist
Christine Dearmitt
330-898-4569 Ext. 2306
Christine [dot] dearmittlabrae [dot] school
Mr. Anthony J. Calderone
LaBrae Local Schools
1001 North Leavitt Rd.
Leavittsburg, Ohio 44430
Ohio Family Engagement Center: The mission of the Ohio Statewide Family Engagement Center is to support the development and academic achievement of children by providing tools and trainings to Ohio families and schools for building effective family-school partnerships. Please click on the link to access more details and resources.
LaBrae Board policy for Parent & Family Participation in Title I Programs