LaBrae Local Schools takes claims of discrimination and harassment seriously, and will investigate each claim. This page is designed to provide our community with direct access to LaBrae policies on harassment and discrimination, identify for visitors LaBrae's compliance officers and provide a method for alleged incidents to be reported. Below you will find hyperlinks to LaBrae policies regarding harassment and discrimination. Additionally, one may report alleged incidents of harassment and discrimination by clicking on the reporting form link below. Lastly, if you have questions regarding this information or process, please contact the Superintendent's Office, at 330.898.1393, or one of the Compliance Officers listed below:
LaBrae Discrimination/Harassment Related Policies
LaBrae Discrimination/Harassment Reporting Form
Title IX Resources:
LaBrae Title IX/Anti-Harassment Compliance Officers
Mrs. Margaret Kowach, Principal
Bascom Elementary School
1015 N. Leavitt Rd.
Leavittsburg, Ohio 44430
Email: margaret [dot] kowachlabrae [dot] school
Phone: 330.898.0800, Option 2
Mr. Jeffrey Starkey, Principal
LaBrae High School
1001 N. Leavitt Rd.
Leavittsburg, Ohio 44430
Email: jeff [dot] starkeylabrae [dot] school
Phone: 330.898.0800, Option 5