Monday, March 5, 2018

Good morning, LaBrae Vikings! These are your morning announcements for:


Monday, March 5, 2018. Here’s what’s happening:



Attention SADD members: Monthly mandatory SADD meeting will be today during lunch in room 922. 


Attention all RoboVikes team members:  There will be practice sessions today and tomorrow after school for final preparations before Wednesday’s tournament.


Attention students:  LaBrae Cheerleading tryouts for 2018/2019 will be held April 6th, Please pick up your tryout packet and sign up in the athletic office by March 23rd if you are interested in trying out for cheerleading next year.  



The Bowling banquet will be held on Thursday March 15th, at Freeway Lanes.  Bowlers can pick up their complimentary ticket in the athletic office.  All additional tickets are $10 each. Please get your tickets ASAP.


There are skating coupons for Champion skate in the main office for anyone interested.


Yearbooks are now on sale.  Cost is $55.00. Order forms are available in Mrs. Aldridge’s room #909.