Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Good morning, LaBrae Vikings! These are your morning announcements for:


Tuesday, October 2, 2018. Here’s what’s happening:


White Out Crew: if you missed the meeting during lunch, sign up for REMIND to be placed on the painting schedule. (Enter: 81010  Text this message: @whiteoutc)


Viking Nation: the first meeting will be TOMORROW during lunch in Mrs. Helmick’s room.


¡FELICITACIONES! Para los oficiales de Club de Español:

Diamante Hineman-Haak: Presidenta

Lupe Davidson: Vice-Presidenta

Felipe Meyer: Tesorero

Eloísa Meeks: Secretaria

*Reunión: jueves durante ALMUERZO en la VLC


Pick up HOMECOMING pictures in Miss Farone’s room!


Seniors: Eastwood Mall will be hosting College Night on Thursday, October 4 from 5-7 pm.


SKI CLUB- if you are interested in being a part of Ski Club this year, see Mrs. Kovac-Silvers. You must sign up ONLINE.


Viking Volunteers: permission slips are due to Miss Nogales by Friday, October 5th.