Friday, March 29, 2019

Good morning, LaBrae Vikings! These are your morning announcements for:


Friday, March 29, 2019. Here’s what’s happening:   


Attention all students: TODAY is the last day to purchase a yearbook for the low cost of $55.

Next week the cost will go up to $60.

See Mrs. Aldridge or order your yearbook online.


6th Grade Camp Counselors: Juniors who picked up an application need to submit it to the Counselor’s office by TODAY.


SADD members: stop by 923 to sign up for a volunteer opportunity.


There will be a STUDENT COUNCIL meeting during lunch on Monday in room 923.


Popcorn Sale: full size bags are now 2 for $3 and small bags are $1. Get yours today!


A reminder to all students: TODAY is the end of the 3rd nine weeks and an early release day!


If you would like information on a summer job opportunity, see the Counselors’ office for more details.