Parents, below are some things I need from you to help ensure your student(s) remain healthy and safe at school.
- Forms – Everyone hates filling them out but I have to have the following: Emergency medical form with current working phone numbers of emergency contacts. Please update phone numbers if they change. Please thoroughly review, update as needed, and sign your child’s final forms before the first day of school.
- If your child has asthma, diabetes, seizures or allergies to food, insects, latex, or anything else that is potentially life threatening, you must submit a current action plan from your child’s doctor. If your doctor does not have preprinted action plans they are available on the LaBrae website under district, nurse’s notes & forms.
- If your child requires an Epi Pen or inhaler you MUST supply these. These medicines could save your child’s life in an emergency and need to be available to him/her at school. Emergency medications may be carried by the student, kept in the clinic, or transported on a daily basis in a book bag or purse but I need to be notified if your student is carrying his/her emergency medication so all staff are aware of where the emergency medications are kept.
- Any student who does not keep their medication in the clinic is responsible for bringing it to school EVERY DAY.
- All prescription medications require a signed doctor’s order.
- Tylenol/Ibuprofen- students in grades 6-12: there is a place in final forms for students 6-12 regarding Tylenol etc., please remember to fill it out.
- All students entering 7th grade are required to have documentation of a Tdap and meningitis vaccination. Pertussis is on the rise and this new requirement was enacted in 2010.The Meningitis is a new requirement beginning in 2016. Please send documentation to school.
- Beginning in 2016 all Seniors are required to have either a Meningitis booster shot, or their initial meningitis vaccine. There are age specifications which determine how many Meningitis vaccines your student is required to have. Please check with your doctor.
- Please notify the school if your child has a confirmed case of a communicable disease. This helps us keep track of if there is a large number of cases in a class or grade level. I try to notify parents if we are aware of, for example, strep throat so you can monitor your child for signs and symptoms.
- If you have questions, concerns, or need to discuss an issue regarding your child please email me at liz [dot] sutliff
labrae [dot] school.
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