Thursday, May 6, 2021 HS Announcements

Block Schedule for ECO Exams:

There is will a block schedule tomorrow for APGov, Bio & Gov ECO exams. Students will take the exams in their scheduled class periods.  Students can bring ear buds for the exams.


All library books should be returned to the library by the end of the day tomorrow, May 7th.


NHS Popcorn:

There is extra popcorn in Mrs. Dhayer's room.  Please come before/after school or during lunch not during class.  Flavors:  Caramel, vanilla, white cheddar, salsa N cheddar, yellow cheese, chocolate, kettle & Butter.


Prom Spirit Week...

Friday's Theme - Pajamas



As prom is tomorrow, LHS SADD club would like to remind you to be safe this weekend especially when behind the wheel or as a passenger in a car. 

Distracted driving such as texting while driving is especially dangerous because sending or reading a text message takes your eyes off the road for about 5 seconds, long enough to cover a football field while driving at 55 mph. 

Texting while driving  increases a teen’s risk for having an auto accident by 400 percent. Teens who text while driving are veering outside of their lane 10 percent more than if they were not distracted. 

Also today, LHS SADD club invites all prom goers to leave a fingerprint and sign the prom promise pledge during lunch, promising to remain alcohol and drug free during prom and prom weekend. 

Let's all make the promise to be safe, sober, and “Dance with your date not your fate”



Mrs. Carpenter's International Cuisine Class participated in a chopped contest!

Students created Asian Main Dishes using...Cabbage, Egg Roll Wrappers, Chicken & fresh GInger.  Guest judges tasted & scored each dish according to...presentation, creativity, taste & other criteria for a total of 25 points.  The period with the highest class average was ... third period (avg of 20.425).  The winners in each period...coming tomorrow!!


Vote Daily for LaBrae to win $50,000!

Vote at


Cross Country:

Sign ups are in the athletic office from now until May 24th.  Please sign up so that information can get to you about conditioning and camp.


Student Council:

Voting ballots for next year's student council & class officers was sent to your email address from Final Forms.  Please take a few minutes to vote NOW!  Ballots are only open today!


Attention all RoboVikes Team Members...

It's time for the Brickbys!  Register on the class page by Friday, May 14th to confirm your attendance.


Prom is This Friday May 7th!

Early dismissal for Prom will be @ 11:14.  It is a 1/2 day absence, all other requests before 11:14 will be unexcused (unless doctor indicated). No parent phone calls will be accepted on Friday for prom early dismissal!

Students MUST be in school 1/2 day in order to attend the dance!  Except for those decorating.

Voting for Prom Royalty...will take place @prom via a google form.  *You will need to bring your own device to vote*

A few Prom updates:

Face masks will be required @ prom unless you Are eating or drinking.  Only ticketed guests are permitted on the grounds of DiVieste's.  Dinner will be served at 6:00.  Bring your picture forms and payment to prom.


Afternoon Detention will be in Rm. 805B.