Friday, March 11, 2022

Student Council Members:

There will be a meeting on Monday, March 14th during lunch in Mrs. Carpenter's Rm #928.


Students in 9th, 10th & 12th grade will have a REMOTE LEARNING DAY on Tuesday, March 15th!


Seniors have you turned in your photos for the Senior Video?

You can use photos from any of your high school years.  Send your photos to:  vikingproductionstudioatgmail [dot] com.


Cheerleading for 2022/2023 school year:

Clinics will be March 15th - 17th & tryouts will be March 18th!


Interested in playing Soccer next year?  Please sign up in the Athletic Office this week.


Upcoming Banquets:

The Basketball Banquet will be on March 14, 2022.  Today is the last day to pickup your guest tickets for $15.00.  Players, Cheerleaders & Coaches are FREE!  


The Bowling Banquet will be on Monday, March 21st at Freeway Lanes.  Players are Free!  Each bowler gets (2) tickets (unless you are a Senior...Seniors get (4) tickets).  Tickets are available in the Athletic Office until March 18th.


Do you want to go to Prom? 


To be eligible to go to Prom:

All of your Final Forms must be completed.

You must be in good academic standing.

You can have no outside school suspensions.

All of your fees must be paid in full by April 22nd.

You must have no more than 90 missed hours without a legitimate excuse.


Afternoon Detention will be in Room#805B.  Please bring academic work to detention!