Monday, November 21, 2022

Thanksgiving Break!

There will be NO SCHOOL Wednesday-Friday, November 23rd -25th.  Class will resume on Monday, November 28th.  Have a Great Thanksgiving!


All Juniors will be taking the ASVAB Test Tomorrow, November 22nd.  Student will be called down via the PA to the Library.


Juniors!   Workers are needed to work the concession stand please sign up outside Mr. Michl's Room #926.


Attention YSU English Festival Participates.... Your 1st book questionnaire is overdue.  Please turn it in to Mrs. Helmick or Mrs. Royal by the end of the day today!


Vaping Consequences:

1st Offense - Out-of-School Suspension & you get referred to a social worker.

2nd Offense - 3 day Out-of-School Suspension & you get referred to a social worker.

3rd Offense -  5 day Out-of-School Suspension & you get referred to a social worker.

4th Offense - 10 day Out-of-School Suspension, request for expulsion & you get referred to a social worker.

Vaping... Toxic, Addictive & Unsafe.  Don't be Fooled!


The Volleyball Booster are opening the Holiday Shop... Place you order now - November 27th at .  Any questions email nleeworthyatussafetygear [dot] com.


Afternoon Detention will be in Room #805A.  Please bring academic work to detention!