Friday, September 22, 2023 HS Announcements
Attention Juniors & Sophomores:
Your shirt money is due by the end of the day today.
The Viking Nation Theme for tonight's game at Champion is USA!
The following students have been accepted as members of the Stambaugh Youth Concert Band:
Liberty Bradley
Morgan Nowak
Liam Fiest
Jennifer Johnson
Eden Middleton
Elise Morris
Freshman HOCO Committee:
You will be decorating the hall after school on Monday, September 25th until 4:45. Make sure to have transportation arrangements.
Spirit Week starts on Monday, September 25th:
Monday - Barbenheimer (Barbie or 40's Era)
Tuesday - Rhyme Without Reason (For more great school appropriate ideas...Google it!)
Wednesday - Wear your hallway theme:
Freshmen-Las Vegas
Sophomores-Shipwreck (dress like a pirate)
Juniors-Mario Brothers
Thursday - Freshmen: Babies
- Sophomores: Toddlers
- Juniors: Middle Aged
- Seniors: Old Peeps
Friday - Your Class Shirts
All outfits must be school appropriate. Let's have a great Spirit Week. The winning class gets a trophy!
Homecoming Information:
Tickets will be on sale though Wednesday, September 27th. The Homecoming Game is on September 29th and Homecoming Dance is on Saturday September 30th from 7-10 pm in the Complex Cafe. Tickets can be purchased from Señora Fee in RM918 before school, after school or during lunch. No tickets will be sold at the door!! LaBrae student tickets are $20 and outside guest tickets are $25. You must fill out an outside guest form before purchasing your tickets.
Eligibility requirements to attend Homecoming:
Parent & Student Final Forms must be completed.
No more than 30 hours of missing school.
Cannot be failing more than 2 classes.
No out of school suspensions.
Fees must be $50 or less.
A Message from Mrs. Harper:
If you haven't turned in your shot records that shows the date of your Meningitis Vaccine... Please get it to the Nurse, Mrs. Harper by September 28th. Fax, email or turn in directly to her.
Sign ups for the YSU English Festival will be happening soon!!
Want to know more? Speak with Mrs. Helmick or Mrs. Royal. You can also visit: www.YSUENGLISHFESTIVAL.ORG or follow @YSUENGLISHFESTIVAL on Instagram.