Red Ribbon Week is the oldest and largest drug prevention campaign in the country. It brings millions of people together to raise awareness about the dangers of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. It encourages youth to make positive, healthy choices.
Theme Days:
Friday, October 27th - "It's A Great Day To Be A Viking!" Wear your Scarlet & Gray Viking Gear
$10 registration is due by November 10th to Mrs. Royal or Mrs. Helmick.
There will be a brief meeting in the auditorium Tomorrow, October 27th at 11:30 for any high school student asked to participate in the mentorship program this year. If Mr. Ben has spoken to you directly about the Mentorship Program this school year, please attend.
LaBrae's Thanksgiving Food Drive is October 30 - November 10, 2023.
Bring in nonperishable food items to your first-period class to help others this Thanksgiving. Bring in bonus items for triple points! The winning homeroom gets a breakfast treat from LaBrae NHS.
Bonus Items:
Instant mashed potatoes, 5lb. bag of potatoes, boxed stuffing, canned vegetables (corn, green beans, carrots, peas, yams/sweet potatoes), au gratin potatoes, canned cranberry, canned mushroom soup, gravy (packets or bottled), French fried onion topping. All other items are one positive point.
Banquet tickets are on sale through November 6th. Players are free you just need to pick up your tickets, guest tickets will be $25 this year. See Mrs. Brewster in the Attendance Office for your tickets!
The banquet is on November 9th. Tickets are on sale through November 6th. Players are free and guests are $20. Pickup your tickets in the Attendance Office.
The banquet will be November 16th @ Sorrento's. Pickup your tickets in the Attendance Office through November 10th.
If you are interested in writing & recording an essay about "What are the greatest attributes of our democracy", stop in the School Counselor's Office for an entry form! The patriotic audio essay competition Grand Prize is $35,000.00. Deadline to apply is October 31, 2023.
Kent State application fees waived: from October 1 through November 1, 2023!
Apply to Kent State for free through the Kent State App or the Common App.
Students will bypass the payment screens so no codes are needed. Remember, November 1st is the priority application date.