The meetings that were scheduled for 3rd, 4th & 8th periods Tomorrow, November 3rd are cancelled. The first meeting will be on November 17th.
See Miss Nogales or Charlotte Guesman for more information and to sign up!.
Any 10th Grade student who still needs to sign up/register for Career Day on Wednesday, November 29th will need to see Miss Nogales by Tomorrow, November 3rd!!!
Any Junior interested in becoming a 6th Grade Camp Counselor, please sign-up in the Guidance Office. There is an application that will need to be filled out and turned in. The deadline for sign-ups and application submission is November 21st. If you have any questions, please see Mr. Hinzman in Room 611 in the Middle School.
There will be a meeting next Thursday, November 9th after school.
LaBrae's Thanksgiving Food Drive will run through November 10, 2023.
Bring in nonperishable food items to your first-period class to help others this Thanksgiving. Bring in bonus items for triple points! The winning homeroom gets a breakfast treat from LaBrae NHS.
Bonus Items:
Instant mashed potatoes, 5lb. bag of potatoes, boxed stuffing, canned vegetables (corn, green beans, carrots, peas, yams/sweet potatoes), au gratin potatoes, canned cranberry, canned mushroom soup, gravy (packets or bottled), French fried onion topping. All other items are one positive point.
Thursday's results:
1st Place -Michl 68
2nd Place - Burns 64
3rd Place - Dhayer 25
When: Monday, November 20, 2023
Where: LHS Auditorium
Time: Registration begins @ 5:30 p.m.
Presentation begins @ 6:00 p.m.
ALL STUDENTS who are interested in taking CCP classes for the 2024-2025 school year are encouraged to attend with a parent or guardian.
This event will inform parent(s) and students about important information and criteria needed in order to take a CCP class.
Banquet tickets are on sale through November 6th. Players are free you just need to pick up your tickets, guest tickets will be $25 this year. See Mrs. Brewster in the Attendance Office for your tickets!
The banquet is on November 9th. Tickets are on sale through November 6th. Players are free and guests are $20. Pickup your tickets in the Attendance Office.
The banquet will be November 16th @ Sorrento's. Pickup your tickets in the Attendance Office through November 10th. Guest tickets are $25.
Your 1st book questionnaire is now late! Talk to Mrs. Royal or Mrs. Helmick. $10 registration fee is due by November 10th.
You may go to our "LaBrae" website and scroll down the left side of the page and you will see a "Yearbooks For Sale" picture with "Buy A HS Yearbook" link.
Don't Wait, Buy Now Before You Forget!