November is college application month and you only have today November 30th to apply. If you need assistance go to the Counselor's Office.
Just a reminder that if you are participating, please attend Tomorrow, December 1st during your scheduled study hall period.
Anyone interested in joining Ski Club this year see Mr. Kistler in room 707 in the Middle School by Tomorrow, December 1st.
Don't forget you need to turn in your personality & baby pictures to Mrs. Aldridge by Friday, December 15th.
Volunteers are needed for the following events:
Title I Family Night - Wednesday, December 6th at 5:00 pm at Bascom Elementary.
Concession Stand - Friday, December 8th at 4:45 pm. in the Complex Cafeteria.
Set-up for Breakfast with Santa - Friday, December 8th from 3:30 - 5:30 pm. in the Complex Cafeteria.
Breakfast with Santa - December 9th from 8:30 - 12:30 pm. in the Complex Cafeteria.