The 1st meeting is on Wednesday, January 10th in room 929. If you are already a part of the Google Classroom, fill out the form to pick out our team shirt. If not please see Mr. Slifka for details.
If you wish to purchase this Formal Senior Portrait please see Mrs. Aldridge. There are no dress requirements. Please make sure your appearance is neat and clean. We are using this picture for the Formal Senior Section of the yearbook only.
There will be a meeting on Thursday, January 11th after school.
Softball open gyms are every Saturday from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm at the old Leavitt School gym at 4555 Risher Road.
We will have our social media safety and responsibility presentation this Thursday, January 11th for all 9th grade students. Students will be called to the auditorium during 8th period for the presentation.
If you are planning on being in the Ski Club this year, see Mr. Kistler ASAP in Room 707. The 1st trip of the year is this Saturday, January 13th and you must have a permission slip signed by your parent/guardian to go on the trip!!
The 2023-2024 Trumbull County Educational Service Center Scholarship is now available!!! All applications must be signed out and then signed back in with Mrs. Cunningham in the School Counselor's Office by Friday, March 1, 2024.