Wednesday, May 8, 2024 HS Announcements
EOC Exams Information: Friday
AP US History: May 10th 8:00 am - 11:50 am.
Volleyball Open Gyms:
Tomorrow, May 9th there will be open gyms from 4:30-6:00 pm. for any girls grades 8th-11th interested in playing volleyball next fall.
Attention Seniors:
Don't forget to pay your accounts due fees to get your diploma!! Accounts due fees must be paid before 2:00 pm. on May 24th to receive your diploma at Graduation.
You can hang your senior sheets on Monday, May 13th from 3:00 - 3:30 pm. When making your sheet it is recommended to create it vertically instead of horizontally. See Miss Nogales if your have any questions. See Instagram for a visual aid.
Senior Exams will be next week:
May 15th - English, Math, Bus/Comp., CBI & Industrial Arts
May 16th - Social Studies, Science, Family Consumer Science, Art & For. Language
May 17th - Make-ups
Baccalaureate Ceremony will be on Thursday, May 16th at First Community Church at 6:00 pm.
May 17th is Seniors last day & Senior walk before your picnic at 11:00-1:00 pm.
Track Banquet info:
The track banquet will be May 21st in the LaBrae Cafeteria doors open at 5:00 & dinner is at 5:30. Guest tickets are $20.00 and athletes are free but you still must pickup a ticket. Tickets are available until the end of the day on May 17th in the Athletic Office.
Do you want to be a Class Officer or be on Student Council next school year?
You can be a Class Officer and be on Student Council just don't over extend yourself!
You will need to email your advisor for NEXT year by May 14th:
Sophomore - Mrs. Helmick
Junior - Mr. Michl
Senior - Miss Nogales
Pick up an obligation sheet outside of Miss Adgate's room #902. Please include what position you are running for president, vice president, secretary or treasurer and explain why you would be a good candidate. You must sign in and return your obligation sheet by May 14th. Voting will take place on Thursday, May 16th and the results will be announced on Friday, May 17th.