Wednesday, May 29, 2024 HS Announcements
If you ordered a CBI Fundraiser T-Shirts & Hoodies please see Mr. Wolford in Room 901 to pick them up.
High School Soccer:
If you are interested in playing soccer, there will be an open field Today, May 29th from 3:00 - 4:30 pm. Have spikes, shin guards and water. Bring shoes for inside in case of bad weather.
Message from Nurse Harper:
Any student who is not going to be in school Tomorrow, May 30th you need to pick up your inhaler or epi pen Today, May 29th if you have one in the clinic. All other medications must be picked up by an adult!
Schedules for This Week:
Thursday, May 30th - Students that have completed all exams will not have to attend school on Thursday, May 30th. If a student does attend who does not have exams will follow their regular schedule. It will be an early release day!
Overdue Library Books or Computers:
If you have an overdue library book or computer you have not returned, please return ASAP to the High School Main Office DO NOT RETURN THEM TO THE LIBRARY IT IS CLOSED.