As we prepare for the coming school year, parents need to keep the following information in mind regarding immunization requirements for school attendance.
- Students entering grades K, 7, & 12, as well as students in any other grade who are newly enrolled at LaBrae, have immunization requirements.
- We do not know yet what school will look like in the fall but we must continue to prepare.
- Students entering 7th grade must show proof of a Tdap & Meningitis vaccination.
- Students entering 12th grade must show proof of a second Meningitis vaccine. * If the student is older than 16 & has not had the first Menigitis vaccine they will only need one. Please discuss your child’s vaccination status with his/her healthcare provider.
- Shot records are due in the clinic by September 30, 2024.
- Shot records may be mailed to school, faxed to 330-898-7808 ( grades 3-12), or 330- 898-1448 (grades K-2), or emailed to Mrs. Sutliff, the school nurse, at liz [dot] sutliff
labrae [dot] school