HS Announcements

Wednesday, May 1 2024 HS Announcements

Soccer Information:

There will be futsal practice for girls only after school, Today, May 1st in the gym from 3:00-4:15pm.  Any girls interested in playing soccer you are invited to come too!


Prom Promise Spirit Week:

Thursday, May 2nd - "Save a Life, Don't Swim into Trouble"  Lifeguard Day... Don't Swim into the World of Drugs!

Friday, May 3rd - "Relax on the Beach"  Comfy Clothes Day... Enjoy a Life Without Drugs & Alcohol!


EOC Exams Information:  Tomorrow 

Algebra 1:       May 1-2      7:45am - 9:40am        (Academic & Advanced)  (Students taking Basic Algebra will complete EOC in Algebra 1 next year)

Geometry        May 1-2      7:45am - 9:40am        (Academic & Advanced)

Students not participating in ECO Exams do not need to arrive to school until 9:35 am.  Students not arriving early will report to the cafeteria and remain there until all students are dismissed to 1st period.  The bussing schedule will remain normal.  Students are strongly encouraged to ride the bus if they cannot find transportation for the delayed start.  You will remain in the cafeteria until the end of testing. 


SADD and S.M.A.S.H. students are encouraging prom goers to sign them Prom Promise Pledge until Friday, May 3rd during lunch in the cafeteria.

By signing the pledge you are making a commitment to remain free from alcohol and other drugs, never drive under the influence or ride with an impaired driver and agree to always wear a seatbelt!


Prom is this Friday, May 3rd at DiViests's Banquet Hall from 6:00-9:30 pm.  Today, May 1st is the last day to buy your tickets!!  May 3rd early dismissal for anyone who has the early dismissal form may leave after the assembly at 11:14.  Anyone who leaves before 11:14 or does not come to school will be unexcused unless you have a doctor's excuse.

Outside guest forms are available outside Mr. Michl's Room 926.  Outside guests are permitted if they are under the age of 21.  Photo ID for outside guests is necessary when purchasing tickets & at the door the night of Prom.

Check the requirements before buying your tickets!

Junior & Senior tickets are $30 and Sophomore & outside guests are $50.  Sophomores can only attend if asked by an upper classman and the upper classman must but the ticket.


Fee must be $50 or less 

Less than 90 (unexcused) missed hours of school.

No out of school suspensions.

Must be in good academic stands.


LaBrae Soccer Fundraiser:

Do Good with Chipotle!  This Saturday, May 4th from 5-9 pm. at Chipotle on Niles-Cortland Rd.  Online ordering for pickup use code GGDH7H8 or show flyer in the restaurant.  Come and support our Soccer Team!  


Any Sophomore, Junior or Senior that wants to have leadership opportunities.  There is a leadership intern program call Camp Intervention from June 10-14, 2024.

You can earn 40 volunteer hours & get a free T-shirt.  If you are interested send an email to leavittsburgcampinventionatgmail [dot] com.


Wholesale Fireworks has Summer job openings!  

See Miss Nogales for more details and an application.


Afternoon Detention will be with Miss Nogales in Room 908.  Please bring academic work to detention.

Tuesday, April 30, 2024 HS Announcements

Prom Promise Spirit Week:

Wednesday, May 1st - "Stay Afloat"  Teen Beach Movie Day (Surfers & Bikers)... Don't Let Drugs Pull You Under!

Thursday, May 2nd - "Save a Life, Don't Swim into Trouble"  Lifeguard Day... Don't Swim into the World of Drugs!

Friday, May 3rd - "Relax on the Beach"  Comfy Clothes Day... Enjoy a Life Without Drugs & Alcohol!


EOC Exams Information:  Tomorrow & Thursday

Algebra 1:       May 1-2      7:45am - 9:40am        (Academic & Advanced)  (Students taking Basic Algebra will complete EOC in Algebra 1 next year)

Geometry        May 1-2      7:45am - 9:40am        (Academic & Advanced)

Students not participating in ECO Exams do not need to arrive to school until 9:35 am.  Students not arriving early will report to the cafeteria and remain there until all students are dismissed to 1st period.  The bussing schedule will remain normal.  Students are strongly encouraged to ride the bus if they cannot find transportation for the delayed start.  You will remain in the cafeteria until the end of testing. 


SADD and S.M.A.S.H. students are encouraging prom goers to sign them Prom Promise Pledge starting today, April 30th during lunch in the cafeteria.

By signing the pledge you are making a commitment to remain free from alcohol and other drugs, never drive under the influence or ride with an impaired driver and agree to always wear a seatbelt!


Prom is this Friday, May 3rd at DiViests's Banquet Hall from 6:00-9:30 pm. 

You must buy a ticket today, April 30th if you want to be on the Prom Court Ballot!

Voting occurs tomorrow & Tomorrow, May 1st is the last day to buy a ticket after school in  Mr. Mich's Room #926.  Tickets must be purchased at school no tickets will be sold online or at the door at Prom.  

Outside guest forms are available outside Mr. Michl's Room 926.  Outside guests are permitted if they are under the age of 21.  Photo ID for outside guests is necessary when purchasing tickets & at the door the night of Prom.

Check the requirements before buying your tickets!

Junior & Senior tickets are $30 and Sophomore & outside guests are $50.  Sophomores can only attend if asked by an upper classman and the upper classman must but the ticket.


Fee must be $50 or less - fees must be settled by Today, April 26th.

Less than 90 (unexcused) missed hours of school.

No out of school suspensions.

Must be in good academic stands.


Any Sophomore, Junior or Senior that wants to have leadership opportunities.  There is a leadership intern program call Camp Intervention.

You can earn 40 volunteer hours & get a free T-shirt.  If you are interested send an email to leavittsburgcampinventionatgmail [dot] com.


Wholesale Fireworks has Summer job openings!  

See Miss Nogales for more details and an application.


Soccer Information:

There will be futsal practice for girls only after school, Tomorrow, May 1st in the gym from 3:00-4:15pm.  Any girls interested in playing soccer you are invited to come too!


Afternoon Detention will be with Mr. McNemar in Room 919.  Please bring academic work to detention.

Monday, April 29, 2024 HS Announcements

A round of applause for our Cast & Crew for their performance of "Little Women" Great Job!


Prom Promise Spirit Week:

Tuesday, April 30th - "Ride the Tide"  Tie-Dye Day... Ride the Tide of Saying NO to Drugs!

Wednesday, May 1st - "Stay Afloat"  Teen Beach Movie Day (Surfers & Bikers)... Don't Let Drugs Pull You Under!

Thursday, May 2nd - "Save a Life, Don't Swim into Trouble"  Lifeguard Day... Don't Swim into the World of Drugs!

Friday, May 3rd - "Relax on the Beach"  Comfy Clothes Day... Enjoy a Life Without Drugs & Alcohol!


EOC Exams Information:  

Algebra 1:       May 1-2      7:45am - 9:40am        (Academic & Advanced)  (Students taking Basic Algebra will complete EOC in Algebra 1 next year)

Geometry        May 1-2      7:45am - 9:40am        (Academic & Advanced)

Students not participating in ECO Exams do not need to arrive to school until 9:35 am.  Students not arriving early will report to the cafeteria and remain there until all students are dismissed to 1st period.  The bussing schedule will remain normal.  Students are strongly encouraged to ride the bus if they cannot find transportation for the delayed start.  You will remain in the cafeteria until the end of testing. 


Prom is this Friday, May 3rd at DiViests's Banquet Hall from 6:00-9:30 pm. 

Tickets will be sold now thru Wednesday, May 1st after school in  Mr. Mich's Room #926 and during lunch on selected days.  Tickets must be purchased at school no tickets will be sold online or at the door at Prom.  

Outside guest forms are available outside Mr. Michl's Room 926.  Outside guests are permitted if they are under the age of 21.  Photo ID for outside guests is necessary when purchasing tickets & at the door the night of Prom.

Check the requirements before buying your tickets!

Junior & Senior tickets are $30 and Sophomore & outside guests are $50.  Sophomores can only attend if asked by an upper classman and the upper classman must but the ticket.


Fee must be $50 or less - fees must be settled by Today, April 26th.

Less than 90 (unexcused) missed hours of school.

No out of school suspensions.

Must be in good academic stands.


Any Sophomore, Junior or Senior that wants to have leadership opportunities.  There is a leadership intern program call Camp Intervention.

You can earn 40 volunteer hours & get a free T-shirt.  If you are interested send an email to leavittsburgcampinventionatgmail [dot] com.


Wholesale Fireworks has Summer job openings!  

See Miss Nogales for more details and an application.


Afternoon Detention will be with Mr. McNemar in Room 919.  Please bring academic work to detention.

Friday, April 26, 2024 HS Announcements

Attention Seniors:

If you have not returned your Final Transcript Form due to delays with the FAFSA... Please submit them by Today, April 26th!  Any scholarships, grants, FAFSA, that come in can be added to your form.

The Senior Banquet is on May 8th.  The last call for RSVP's and payment is due by Today, Friday. April 26th!!

Don't forget to complete an "Oh the Places You'll Go!" in the Counselor's Office!


Yearbooks for sale...


Today, April; 26th is the last day to buy your 2024 LaBrae Yearbook.  Go to our "LaBrae" Website then scroll down the left side of the page and you will see a "Yearbook For Sale" picture with "Buy a HS Yearbook" link.


Drama Club Play info:

Our Drama Club will be performing "Little Women"  Today, April 26th & Saturday, April 27th.  TIckets are $5, the doors open at 6:30pm. and the play starts at 7:00 pm.


Bowling Night Tomorrow, April 27th @ 10pm at Freeway Lanes:

See any baseball or softball player to get your tickets.  Tickets are $15 (includes bowling & shoes).  Door prizes & raffles will be available.


Prom Promise Spirit Week:

Monday, April 29th - "Shell -abrate Good Times"  Beach Wear Day (NO SWIMWEAR OVER CLOTHES)... Celebrate Without Drugs & Alcohol!

Tuesday, April 30th - "Ride the Tide"  Tie-Dye Day... Ride the Tide of Saying NO to Drugs!

Wednesday, May 1st - "Stay Afloat"  Teen Beach Movie Day (Surfers & Bikers)... Don't Let Drugs Pull You Under!

Thursday, May 2nd - "Save a Life, Don't Swim into Trouble"  Lifeguard Day... Don't Swim into the World of Drugs!

Friday, May 3rd - "Relax on the Beach"  Comfy Clothes Day... Enjoy a Life Without Drugs & Alcohol!


EOC Exams Information:  

Algebra 1:       May 1-2      7:45am - 9:40am        (Academic & Advanced)  (Students taking Basic Algebra will complete EOC in Algebra 1 next year)

Geometry        May 1-2      7:45am - 9:40am        (Academic & Advanced)

Students not participating in ECO Exams do not need to arrive to school until 9:35 am.  Students not arriving early will report to the cafeteria and remain there until all students are dismissed to 1st period.  The bussing schedule will remain normal.  Students are strongly encouraged to ride the bus if they cannot find transportation for the delayed start.  You will remain in the cafeteria until the end of testing. 


Prom is next Friday, May 3rd at DiVieste's Banquet Hall from 6:00-9:30 pm. The theme this year is "Under the Sea".

Tickets will be sold now thru May 1st after school in  Mr. Mich's Room #926 and during lunch on selected days.  Tickets must be purchased at school no tickets will be sold online or at the door at Prom.  

Outside guest forms are available outside Mr. Michl's Room 926.  Outside guests are permitted if they are under the age of 21.  Photo ID for outside guests is necessary when purchasing tickets & at the door the night of Prom.

Check the requirements before buying your tickets!

Junior & Senior tickets are $30 and Sophomore & outside guests are $50.  Sophomores can only attend if asked by an upper classman and the upper classman must but the ticket.


Fee must be $50 or less - fees must be settled by Today, April 26th.

Less than 90 (unexcused) missed hours of school.

No out of school suspensions.

Must be in good academic stands.


Wholesale Fireworks has Summer job openings!  

See Miss Nogales for more details and an application.


Afternoon Detention will be with Mrs. Masters in Room 804 in the Middle School.  Please bring academic work to detention.

Thursday, April 25, 2024 HS Announcements

Attention Seniors:

If you have not returned your Final Transcript Form due to delays with the FAFSA... Please submit them by TOMORROW, April 26th!  Any scholarships, grants, FAFSA, that come in can be added to your form.

The Senior Banquet is on May 8th.  The last call for RSVP's and payment is due by Tomorrow, Friday. April 26th!!

Don't forget to complete an "Oh the Places You'll Go!" in the Counselor's Office!


Yearbooks for sale...


Tomorrow, April; 26th is the last day to buy your 2024 LaBrae Yearbook.  Go to our "LaBrae" Website then scroll down the left side of the page and you will see a "Yearbook For Sale" picture with "Buy a HS Yearbook" link.


Drama Club Play info:

Our Drama Club will be performing "Little Women"  this Friday, April 26th & Saturday, April 27th.  TIckets are $5, the doors open at 6:30pm. and the play starts at 7:00 pm.


Bowling Night this Saturday, April 27th @ 10pm at Freeway Lanes:

See any baseball or softball player to get your tickets.  Tickets are $15 (includes bowling & shoes).  Door prizes & raffles will be available.


Prom Promise Spirit Week:

Monday, April 29th - "Shell -abrate Good Times"  Beach Wear Day... Celebrate Without Drugs & Alcohol!

Tuesday, April 30th - "Ride the Tide"  Tie-Dye Day... Ride the Tide of Saying NO to Drugs!

Wednesday, May 1st - "Stay Afloat"  Teen Beach Movie Day (Surfers & Bikers)... Don't Let Drugs Pull You Under!

Thursday, May 2nd - "Save a Life, Don't Swim into Trouble"  Lifeguard Day... Don't Swim into the World of Drugs!

Friday, May 3rd - "Relax on the Beach"  Comfy Clothes Day... Enjoy a Life Without Drugs & Alcohol!


EOC Exams Information:  

Algebra 1:       May 1-2      7:45am - 9:40am        (Academic & Advanced)  (Students taking Basic Algebra will complete EOC in Algebra 1 next year)

Geometry        May 1-2      7:45am - 9:40am        (Academic & Advanced)

Students not participating in ECO Exams do not need to arrive to school until 9:35 am.  Students not arriving early will report to the cafeteria and remain there until all students are dismissed to 1st period.  The bussing schedule will remain normal.  Students are strongly encouraged to ride the bus if they cannot find transportation for the delayed start.  You will remain in the cafeteria until the end of testing. 


Prom is on May 3rd at DiVieste's Banquet Hall from 6:00-9:30 pm. The theme this year is "Under the Sea".

Tickets will be sold now thru May 1st after school in  Mr. Mich's Room #926 and during lunch on selected days.  Tickets must be purchased at school no tickets will be sold online or at the door at Prom.  

Outside guest forms are available outside Mr. Michl's Room 926.  Outside guests are permitted if they are under the age of 21.  Photo ID for outside guests is necessary when purchasing tickets & at the door the night of Prom.

Check the requirements before buying your tickets!

Junior & Senior tickets are $30 and Sophomore & outside guests are $50.  Sophomores can only attend if asked by an upper classman and the upper classman must but the ticket.


Fee must be $50 or less - fees must be settled by Tomorrow, April 26th.

Less than 90 (unexcused) missed hours of school.

No out of school suspensions.

Must be in good academic stands.


Wholesale Fireworks has Summer job openings!  

See Miss Nogales for more details and an application.


Afternoon Detention will be with Miss Nogales in Room 908.  Please bring academic work to detention.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024 HS Announcements

EOC Exams Information:  Tomorrow 

English.2:       April 24-25       7:45am - 9:40am        (Academic & Advanced)

Students not participating in ECO Exams do not need to arrive to school until 9:35 am.  Students not arriving early will report to the cafeteria and remain there until all students are dismissed to 1st period.  The bussing schedule will remain normal.  Students are strongly encouraged to ride the bus if they cannot find transportation for the delayed start.  You will remain in the cafeteria until the end of testing. 


Attention Seniors:

Senior Banquet is May 8th and your reservations & money are due by the end of the day Today, April 24th!

Don't forget to complete an "Oh the Places You'll Go!" in the Counselor's Office!


Cheerleading Sign Up Info:

You can sign up until the end of the day Today, April 24th.  Pickup your packet in the Athletic Office when you sign up.


Bowling Night this Saturday, April 27th @ 10pm at Freeway Lanes:

See any baseball or softball player to get your tickets.  Tickets are $15 (includes bowling & shoes).  Door prizes & raffles will be available.


Prom is on May 3rd at DiVieste's Banquet Hall from 6:00-9:00 pm. The theme this year is "Under the Sea".

Tickets will be sold starting Today, April 22nd thru May 1st after school in  Mr. Mich's Room #926 and during lunch on selected days.  Tickets must be purchased at school no tickets will be sold online or at the door at Prom.  

Outside guest forms are available outside Mr. Michl's Room 926.  Outside guests are permitted if they are under the age of 21.  Photo ID for outside guests is necessary when purchasing tickets & at the door the night of Prom.

Check the requirements before buying your tickets!

Junior & Senior tickets are $30 and Sophomore & outside guests are $50.  Sophomores can only attend if asked by an upper classman and the upper classman must but the ticket.


Fee must be $50 or less - fees must be settled by this Friday, April 26th.

Less than 90 (unexcused) missed hours of school.

No out of school suspensions.

Must be in good academic stands.


Wholesale Fireworks has Summer job openings!  

See Miss Nogales for more details and an application.


Yearbooks for sale...


The deadline for the 2024 LaBrae Yearbook is this Friday, April 26,2024.  Go to our "LaBrae" Website then scroll down the left side of the page and you will see a "Yearbook For Sale" picture with "Buy a HS Yearbook" link.


Afternoon Detention will be with Miss Nogales in Room 908.  Please bring academic work to detention.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024 HS Announcements

EOC Exams Information:  Tomorrow & Thursday

English.2:       April 24-25       7:45am - 9:40am        (Academic & Advanced)

Students not participating in ECO Exams do not need to arrive to school until 9:35 am.  Students not arriving early will report to the cafeteria and remain there until all students are dismissed to 1st period.  The bussing schedule will remain normal.  Students are strongly encouraged to ride the bus if they cannot find transportation for the delayed start.  You will remain in the cafeteria until the end of testing. 


Attention Seniors:

Senior Banquet is May 8th and your reservations & money are due by Tomorrow, April 24th!

Don't forget to complete an "Oh the Places You'll Go!" in the Counselor's Office!


Bowling Night this Saturday, April 27th @ 10pm at Freeway Lanes:

See any baseball or softball player to get your tickets.  Tickets are $15 (includes bowling & shoes).  Door prizes & raffles will be available.


Prom is on May 3rd at DiVieste's Banquet Hall from 6:00-9:00 pm. The theme this year is "Under the Sea".

Tickets will be sold starting Today, April 22nd thru May 1st after school in  Mr. Mich's Room #926 and during lunch on selected days.  Tickets must be purchased at school no tickets will be sold online or at the door at Prom.  

Outside guest forms are available outside Mr. Michl's Room 926.  Outside guests are permitted if they are under the age of 21.  Photo ID for outside guests is necessary when purchasing tickets & at the door the night of Prom.

Check the requirements before buying your tickets!

Junior & Senior tickets are $30 and Sophomore & outside guests are $50.  Sophomores can only attend if asked by an upper classman and the upper classman must but the ticket.


Fee must be $50 or less - fees must be settled by this Friday, April 26th.

Less than 90 (unexcused) missed hours of school.

No out of school suspensions.

Must be in good academic stands.


Cheerleading Sign Up Info:

You can sign up until the end of the day Tomorrow, April 24th.  Pickup your packet in the Athletic Office when you sign up.


Yearbooks for sale...


The deadline for the 2024 LaBrae Yearbook is this Friday, April 26,2024.  Go to our "LaBrae" Website then scroll down the left side of the page and you will see a "Yearbook For Sale" picture with "Buy a HS Yearbook" link.


Afternoon Detention will be with Miss Nogales in Room 908.  Please bring academic work to detention.

Monday, April 22, 2024 HS Announcements

SADD Members:

There will be a meeting Tomorrow, April 23rd during lunch in the auditorium.


EOC Exams Information:

English.2:       April 24-25       7:45am - 9:40am        (Academic & Advanced)

Students not participating in ECO Exams do not need to arrive to school until 9:35 am.  Students not arriving early will report to the cafeteria and remain there until all students are dismissed to 1st period.  The bussing schedule will remain normal.  Students are strongly encouraged to ride the bus if they cannot find transportation for the delayed start.  You will remain in the cafeteria until the end of testing. 


Attention Seniors:

Senior Banquet is May 8th and your reservations & money are due by this Wednesday, April 24th!

Don't forget to complete an "Oh the Places You'll Go!" in the Counselor's Office!


Bowling Night this Saturday, April 27th @ 10pm.:

See any baseball or softball player to get your tickets.  Tickets are $15 (includes bowling & shoes).  Door prizes & raffles will be available.


Prom is on May 3rd at DiVieste's Banquet Hall from 6:00-9:00 pm. The theme this year is "Under the Sea".

Tickets will be sold starting Today, April 22nd thru May 1st after school in  Mr. Mich's Room #926 and during lunch on selected days.  Tickets must be purchased at school no tickets will be sold online or at the door at Prom.  

Outside guest forms are available outside Mr. Michl's Room 926.  Outside guests are permitted if they are under the age of 21.  Photo ID for outside guests is necessary when purchasing tickets & at the door the night of Prom.

Check the requirements before buying your tickets!

Junior & Senior tickets are $30 and Sophomore & outside guests are $50.  Sophomores can only attend if asked by an upper classman and the upper classman must but the ticket.


Fee must be $50 or less - fees must be settled by next Friday, April 26th.

Less than 90 (unexcused) missed hours of school.

No out of school suspensions.

Must be in good academic stands.


Cheerleading Sign Up Info:

You can sign up until the end of the day this Wednesday, April 24th.  Pickup your packet in the Athletic Office when you sign up.


Yearbooks for sale...


The deadline for the 2024 LaBrae Yearbook is this Friday, April 26,2024.  Go to our "LaBrae" Website then scroll down the left side of the page and you will see a "Yearbook For Sale" picture with "Buy a HS Yearbook" link.


Afternoon Detention will be with Miss Nogales in Room 908.  Please bring academic work to detention.

Friday, April 19, 2024 HS Announcements

Volleyball Sign-up Info:

Any girls grades 9-11 interested in playing volleyball next fall, Today, April 19th is the last day to sign up in the Attendance Office.  Open gym schedules can be picked up at the time of signing up.


EOC Exams Information:

English.2:       April 24-25       7:45am - 9:40am        (Academic & Advanced)

Students not participating in ECO Exams do not need to arrive to school until 9:35 am.  Students not arriving early will report to the cafeteria and remain there until all students are dismissed to 1st period.  The bussing schedule will remain normal.  Students are strongly encouraged to ride the bus if they cannot find transportation for the delayed start.  You will remain in the cafeteria until the end of testing. 


Senior Banquet Reservations & Money are due by April 24th!


Prom is on May 3rd at DiVieste's Banquet Hall from 6:00-9:00 pm. The theme this year is "Under the Sea".

Tickets will be sold from April 22nd thru May 1st after school in  Mr. Mich's Room #926 and during lunch on selected days.  Tickets must be purchased at school no tickets will be sold online or at the door at Prom.  

Outside guest forms are available outside Mr. Michl's Room 926.  Outside guests are permitted if they are under the age of 21.  Photo ID for outside guests is necessary when purchasing tickets & at the door the night of Prom.

Check the requirements before buying your tickets!

Junior & Senior tickets are $30 and Sophomore & outside guests are $50.  Sophomores can only attend if asked by an upper classman and the upper classman must but the ticket.


Fee must be $50 or less - fees must be settled by next Friday,April 26th.

Less than 90 (unexcused) missed hours of school.

No out of school suspensions.

Must be in good academic stands.


Cheerleading Sign Up Info:

Cheer packets and sign up sheets for the 24-25 season are in the Athletic Office for Next School Year Grades 9-12..  Sign ups will be from April 15 - April 24th by the end of the day!


Youth Summer Employment Program:

Are you a Sophomore or Junior who would benefit from a Summer job?  There is a program to help low income students find employment & develop job skills!  See Miss Nogales if you are interested!


Yearbooks for sale...


The deadline for the 2024 LaBrae Yearbook is next Friday, April 26,2024.  Go to our "LaBrae" Website then scroll down the left side of the page and you will see a "Yearbook For Sale" picture with "Buy a HS Yearbook" link.


Afternoon Detention will be with Mrs. Wolke's in Room #805A in the Middle School.  Please bring academic work to detention.

Thursday, April 18, 2024 HS Announcements

Just a reminder to 10th Grade students attending TCTC Recognition Day Tomorrow, April 19th.  The bus will be leaving at 8:00 and returning around 10:45.  You will be called down for dismissal.


Reminder to those student in the Mentorship Program.  Please attend during your study hall Tomorrow, April 19th.


Volleyball Sign-up Info:

Any girls grades 9-11 interested in playing volleyball next fall, please sign-up in the Attendance Office by Tomorrow, April 19th is the last day.  Open gym schedules can be picked up at the time of signing up.

EOC Exams Information:

English.2:       April 24-25       7:45am - 9:40am        (Academic & Advanced)

Students not participating in ECO Exams do not need to arrive to school until 9:35 am.  Students not arriving early will report to the cafeteria and remain there until all students are dismissed to 1st period.  The bussing schedule will remain normal.  Students are strongly encouraged to ride the bus if they cannot find transportation for the delayed start.  You will remain in the cafeteria until the end of testing. 


Attention Student Council Members & Spanish Club Members:

Wear you club shirts Tomorrow, April 19th to get a picture taken for the yearbook during lunch in the gym.


Senior Banquet Reservations & Money are due by April 24th!


Prom is on May 3rd at DiVieste's Banquet Hall from 6:00-9:00 pm. The theme this year is "Under the Sea".

Tickets will be sold from April 22nd thru May 1st after school in  Mr. Mich's Room #926 and during lunch on selected days.  Tickets must be purchased at school no tickets will be sold online or at the door at Prom.  

Outside guest forms are available outside Mr. Michl's Room 926.  Outside guests are permitted if they are under the age of 21.  Photo ID for outside guests is necessary when purchasing tickets & at the door the night of Prom.

Check the requirements before buying your tickets!

Junior & Senior tickets are $30 and Sophomore & outside guests are $50.  Sophomores can only attend if asked by an upper classman and the upper classman must but the ticket.


Fee must be $50 or less - fees must be settled by April 26th.

Less than 90 (unexcused) missed hours of school.

No out of school suspensions.

Must be in good academic stands.


Cheerleading Sign Up Info:

Cheer packets and sign up sheets for the 24-25 season are in the Athletic Office for Next School Year Grades 9-12..  Sign ups will be from April 15 - April 24th by the end of the day!


Youth Summer Employment Program:

Are you a Sophomore or Junior who would benefit from a Summer job?  There is a program to help low income students find employment & develop job skills!  See Miss Nogales if you are interested!


Yearbooks for sale...


The deadline for the 2024 LaBrae Yearbook is April 26,2024.  Go to our "LaBrae" Website then scroll down the left side of the page and you will see a "Yearbook For Sale" picture with "Buy a HS Yearbook" link.


Afternoon Detention will be with Mrs. Wolke's in Room #805A in the Middle School.  Please bring academic work to detention.


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