2024-2025 School Year Nurse's Letter


In preparation for the upcoming school year the clinic needs a few things in order to help keep students safe at school.

  • Please review/complete FinalForms for each of your students prior to the first day of school
  • Provide current action plans for students with asthma, seizures, or anaphylaxis as well as needed rescue medications. These need to be in the clinic before school starts. If your student carries their inhaler etc on them during the school day we still need the action plan on file in the clinic.
  • If your child has a food allergy make the cafeteria aware. If substitutions are required a doctor’s order is needed if not already on file.  Contact sally [dot] deehratlabrae [dot] school for cafeteria issues.
  • Medications that are required to be given daily in school require a written doctor’s order. An adult must bring the medication to school.  Do not send medications to school with students.
  • Generic action plans and medication orders are available at the Nurse’s Notes & Forms page.
  • Finally, students in grade 7 need to show proof of a Tdap & meningitis shot, Students in grade 12 must show proof of a meningitis booster shot or, if they were over 16 when the first shot was given, the date of the first meningitis shot. Any K student who was not up to date at the time of registration must provide a current shot record.  All students newly enrolled in the district, regardless of grade level, need an up to date shot record on file also.  Immunization records are due by September 30.

Elizabeth Sutliff MSN, APRN, FNP-C
School Nurse
liz [dot] sutliffatlabrae [dot] school

Senior Yard Signs Available

Yard sign which says "Proud family of a LaBrae Viking senior."

Yard signs for display honoring LaBrae seniors are now available for sale at the Board of Education Office between the hours of 8:00 to 3:00.  Signs are $10.  These are a perfect way to publicly acknowledge your graduating senior.  Also, if your child is a senior next year, buying your sign now allows you to display it during the coming school year.  {Signs are paid for by the LaBrae Levy Committee; Karen Ancell, Treasurer}

SORA from Overdrive Education comes to LaBrae

SORA icon

Students now have access to electronic books and audiobooks from NEOMIN and the Warren-Trumbull Public Library through SORA.  No library card is required.  Students simply use their LaBrae Google log-in and go to Gmail.  Locate the SORA app in the Google “Waffle” at the top right and then check out e-books from the “NEOMIN NE Ohio Management Information Network” library—or add the Warren-Trumbull County Public Library by selecting the menu (3 horizontal lines) in the upper right corner of the screen and adding that library.  Electronic materials may now be checked out.  Happy reading!!!

LaBrae Community Newsletter

This year LaBrae is foregoing the printing and mailing of our community newsletter in an effort to reduce expenses.  Please access the newsletter as a PDF below.  Should you have any questions, you are encouraged to contact the Superintendent's Office.

Immunizations Required for School

As we prepare for the coming school year, parents need to keep the following information in mind regarding immunization requirements for school attendance.

  • Students entering grades K, 7, & 12, as well as students in any other grade who are newly enrolled at LaBrae, have immunization requirements.
  • We do not know yet what school will look like in the fall but we must continue to prepare.
  • Students entering 7th grade must show proof of a Tdap & Meningitis vaccination.
  • Students entering 12th grade must show proof of a second Meningitis vaccine. * If the student is older than 16 & has not had the first Menigitis vaccine they will only need one. Please discuss your child’s vaccination status with his/her healthcare provider.
  • Shot records are due in the clinic by September 30, 2024.
  • Shot records may be mailed to school, faxed to 330-898-7808 ( grades 3-12), or 330- 898-1448 (grades K-2), or emailed to Mrs. Sutliff, the school nurse, at liz [dot] sutliffatlabrae [dot] school

LaBrae Community Newsletter 2019

7th and 12th Grade Immunization Requirements

Parents, please be aware there are immunization requirements for students entering 7th and 12th grades.  Please see the details in the PDF below.  Immunization records for ALL new students and students entering 7th and 12th grades are due by September 30, 2024.  If you have questions, please email liz [dot] sutliffatlabrae [dot] school (Mrs Sutliff).  Make your appointments early to avoid the rush at the start of school.  Thank you.

Inclement Weather and School Delays/Cancellations

Now that winter weather is upon us, the conditions always create the potential that school will be delayed, or cancelled, due to inclement weather.  LaBrae wants parents to know that LaBrae does have a 2-hour delay schedule that can be implemented when the weather conditions make a delayed start the most viable option for that day's schedule.  If a 2-hour delay is called, LaBrae pre-school classes will be cancelled for that day, and LaBrae will not serve breakfast the morning of the delay. 

Parents are encouraged to have a child care plan in place for days when a 2-hour delay is utilized, or when school is cancelled.  Also, parents should ensure that the office has accurate phone numbers on file so that school delay/cancellation phone calls are delivered properly.  In addition to the phone call via LaBrae's call system, SchoolMessenger, LaBrae will ensure that delay and cancellation notices are also sent through the District social media outlets, Twitter and Viking Nation, and notices will be sent to local radio and television stations for broadcast.

Viking Pantry

In November 2018, LaBrae Local Schools opened the Viking Pantry.  The District is pleased to be able to offer this service to our students.  LaBrae is grateful to the partnership with the Second Harvest Foodbank of the Mahoning Valley, which enabled the District the opportunity to establish a pantry to serve students. There are two pantries located in the District, one at Bascom Elementary and one at the Complex. 

LaBrae is appreciative of everyone who has donated to the Viking Pantry, or worked to make this vision become a reality. Donations to the Viking Pantry are being accepted. Donations can be dropped off at Bascom or the Main Complex (high school entrance) anytime during the school day. Please contact Amy Frederick for more information or to make a monetary donation: amy [dot] frederickatlabrae [dot] school or 330-898-0800.  If you are aware of a student in need, please use the referral form below.

Viking Pantry Referral Form


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